Home > Products > LogTag > ST100H Handled Data Logger Probe for LogTag Loggers

ST100H Handled Data Logger Probe for LogTag Loggers


ST100H – Handled with 105mm tip length, ⌀5mm

The handled probe incorporates a 70mm long shaped overmolded handle with a 105mm length 5mm diameter (slightly greater than 3/16”) 316 stainless probe. All materials at probe end of cable are FDA food rated including the cable.

Supplied standard (part# ST100H-15) with 1.5m (4’11”) or 3.0m (9’10”) cable terminated to MCX plug.

SKU: ST100H Categories: , Tags: ,

Additional information

Weight 0.25 lbs
Cable Size

ST100H-15 (1.5m cable), ST100H-30 (3.0m cable)
