If you work in food, pharmaceuticals, or logistics, chances are that you rely on temperature sensors to ensure the safety of your products or shipments. Food that is stored at the wrong temperature can spoil, medicines can lose their effectiveness, and transport vehicles that can’t guarantee that this won’t happen are a liability. To help you ensure that you can deliver your products safely, our team at Global Sensors will be going over a few tests you can perform to figure out whether your temperature sensor is in need of repair.
- Check the power supply. The first thing you should check is your temperature sensor power supply because without sufficient power it won’t be able to give you the accurate measurements you need. To do this, use a digital multimeter set to the 20 Vdc range to measure the voltage on its power input channels. If the voltage reads as less than 11V, you probably have an issue with your power supply, and you should give our team at Global Sensors a call for further assistance.
- Compare with another thermometer or sensor. Another thing you can do to determine whether your temperature sensor needs repair is to compare its results with those of another sensor or thermometer that you know is accurate. Place your sensors close together in the same environment and compare their readings over a set period–if they differ, you may need to get your sensor repaired or at least adjusted. If this happens, we at Global Sensors encourage you to call our team to get advice about your options.